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Young Entrepreneurs' Program

At The Grind, one of our passions is helping shape and grow young entrepreneurs. We do this through offering a special business membership designed for youth,  Entrepreneurial Camp, and providing outreaches at local schools to help youth ages 14+ a chance to learn what an entrepreneur is and what opportunities are available for them to pursue they business goals. Coming soon will be the Young Entrepreneur's Academy. For more information on the academy and other these events , subscribe to our website on the Contact Section.

The Grind’ Young Entrepreneurs Academy is a groundbreaking and exciting program that transforms local middle and high school students into real, confident entrepreneurs. Through the year-long program, students in grades 6-12 generate business ideas, conduct market research, write business plans, pitch to a panel of investors, and launch their very own companies.

The Grind’s Young Entrepreneurs Academy is a life-changing program that positively impacts the entire community. From exciting local business guest lecturers to dynamic field trips to local companies, students learn how to develop and run a real enterprise in a fun, projects-based approach.

The Mission: Develop and deliver experience-based entrepreneurship programs to young people to:

  • Enable them to transition successfully to adulthood;

  • Help them to pursue their dreams by harnessing their creativity and energy;

  • Help them transform their ideas into tangible enterprises that create economic and social value for a better world;

  • Develop the character of tomorrow’s leaders based on personal principles and values;

  • Provide an educational institution to promote successful and effective entrepreneurship programs for middle and high school students;

  • Create a culture of innovation in schools and communities across the nation; and

  • Foster the entrepreneurial mindset in young people, educators, and community members.

The Vision: To be a leader in establishing innovative, experiential entrepreneurship programs for middle and high school students, delivering these programs through colleges and universities, and in high schools and middle schools throughout the country, in close cooperation with local community and business leaders and their organizations. To partner with like-minded organizations to effectively deliver entrepreneurship education to young people across our nation.

  • The Grind’s Entrepreneur Academy provides a focused introduction to the business world, combining a dynamic, proven curriculum with the experiences of local leaders of industry, community members, educators and entrepreneurs. The goal over all is for each student to successfully launch their own business.

To apply to The Grind's Top Young Entrepreneurs Academy, please fill out the form below. 
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